Greenville County Schools Plans eLearning Day for Solar Eclipse

Students viewing solar eclipse.

Greenville County Schools Plans eLearning Day for Solar Eclipse

Greenville, SC – Greenville County Schools announced students will be eLearning on April 8 due to the solar eclipse. School officials determined the eclipse presents a potential danger to students as the maximum eclipse coincides with elementary and middle school dismissal times.

The solar eclipse will occur from approximately 1:51 to 4:24 p.m. in Greenville. It will reach its peak at 3:09 p.m., covering 82% of the sun. Looking directly at the sun during this timeframe can damage a person’s eyes.

Reason for eLearning Day

According to GCS, school and transportation personnel cannot ensure students avoid damage to their vision during school dismissal. The district considered different options including early dismissal but decided an eLearning day would be best for all students.

“To get all elementary and middle school students home before the window of the maximum eclipse would have required a very early dismissal after students had been at school for only a few hours, which would have shortened students’ instruction significantly and created significant inconveniences for families and employees,” according to a statement by GCS.

eLearning Instructions and Educational Measures

Instruction will be provided through Google Classroom and the school day will not have to be made up due to GCS being an approved eLearning district. Outdoor activities and athletic practices will not occur until after 4 p.m. on April 8. There will be no extended-day programs or after-school club meetings on that day.

Schools will also be educating students about the eclipse along with safety tips on how to view the eclipse leading up to April 8. More information can be found on the Greenville County Schools website at


With the safety and well-being of students in mind, Greenville County Schools has made the decision to transition to an eLearning day on April 8 due to the solar eclipse. By utilizing online instruction, students can continue their learning while avoiding the potential dangers of viewing the eclipse during school dismissal times.

This proactive approach showcases the district’s commitment to ensuring the safety of all students and staff members. As the community prepares for this rare astronomical event, Greenville County Schools remains dedicated to providing a quality education while prioritizing the well-being of its students.

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