Did you know? SC’s No. 1 online college sits right in Greenville

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Did you know? SC’s No. 1 online college sits right in Greenville

Greenville Technical College made it to Newsweek’s list of America’s Top Online Colleges once again. March 18, 2024

Greenville, SC – Greenville Technical College (GTC) has earned the No. 21 spot among the top 200 online learning colleges in the nation. They are also ranked as the top online college in South Carolina. GTC’s online courses provide students with the flexibility to pursue their academic goals on their own schedule, offering core classes and the opportunity to earn certificates or degrees through hybrid or fully online schedules.

Flexibility in Learning

  • Core classes like English, history, and math are available.
  • Opportunity to earn certificates or degrees with online or hybrid class options.

Dr. Larry Miller, Vice President of Learning and Workforce Development, highlights GTC’s continuous efforts to enhance their online programs. Programs such as Health Information Management, Data Analytics, and Marketing Communications provide students with comprehensive online learning opportunities.

Upgrade Your Skills

Residents of Greenville can take advantage of GTC’s online learning options to improve their skills. The recognition from Newsweek solidifies GTC as a top choice for those seeking flexible academic paths.

Local Recognition

GTC’s achievement not only benefits the college but also showcases Greenville as a hub for quality education. Having a top-ranking online college locally grants residents access to excellent education without major schedule adjustments or relocations.

Continued Growth

As GTC expands its online offerings, residents can anticipate more opportunities for skill development and academic advancement. The college’s commitment to enhancing online learning demonstrates its dedication to meeting the changing needs of students.

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