Greenville Connects seeking feedback on public transit options
More people are moving to Greenville every day and advocates for public transportation are pushing to get more people off the road and onto buses.
Erin Predmore, the Executive Director of Greenville Connects, emphasizes the importance of investing in transit to open doors for everyone in Greenville County to be successful. Despite traffic and congested roads, many people still depend on the bus system. Greenlink, Greenville’s public transportation system, serves anywhere between 2,000 and 3,000 people a day.
Expanding Transit Options
Greenville Connects acknowledges the limitations of the current bus system, with buses running only once an hour and not reaching all necessary destinations. Predmore notes that while some buses may be empty at times, others are packed with 60 people standing shoulder to shoulder.
Improving Access and Connectivity
In an effort to enhance public transit in Greenville, Greenlink plans to add 15 new routes over the next few years. Greenville Connects aims to better understand how the community perceives public transit through a new survey. The feedback gathered will inform future investments and initiatives to meet the community’s needs.
Community Feedback
The Greenville Connects survey is open for participation until Friday, May 31st. Predmore encourages all residents, whether they currently use public transit or not, to take part in the survey and share their thoughts and experiences. The goal is to gather comprehensive feedback that represents the diverse perspectives within the community.
Whether individuals love or loathe the bus system, their input is valuable in shaping the future of transportation in Greenville. By actively engaging with residents, Greenville Connects hopes to create a more inclusive and efficient public transit system that meets the needs of all members of the community.
As Greenville continues to grow and evolve, the importance of reliable and accessible public transportation becomes increasingly evident. By seeking feedback and actively involving the community in the decision-making process, Greenville Connects is taking a proactive approach to improving public transit options in the city.
With a focus on expanding routes, increasing frequency, and enhancing connectivity, Greenville Connects aims to create a more sustainable and efficient public transit system that serves the diverse needs of Greenville residents. Through collaboration and feedback, the vision of a connected and accessible transportation network in Greenville is within reach.